Free Fast Currency Converter App

Download our highly rated currency converter app.

For Android

For iOS

Get the app on Google play for Android or from the App Store for Apple iOS.

Google Play app

If you have an Android device, you can head over to Google Play now to download our fast and free currency converter app. Developed for use on all Android devices, the app makes easy conversion of currencies a breeze on your mobile device. We’re continually developing new updates and adding more currencies. You’ll also notice how smooth and fast the currency conversions are.

Make sure you download this app today and see how well it works for you. It can be used whenever you like, and provides a user-friendly conversion in seconds for all manner of currencies, too. We’re also happy to receive all feedback, suggestions, and comments – they all help us make future updates even better and packed with even more benefits for you. And this app will always be free! What more could you want from a free currency converter app on Google Play?

With thousands of installs already, you’ll see how popular this app is with users around the world. So, no matter where you are and what you want in a good currency converter app, we’re confident our app will meet your demands. Download now and remember – it’s always free to use.

App Store app

Are you looking for a reliable and free currency converter app for your Apple device? It doesn’t matter if you have an iPad or iPhone, our free app provides everything you could want from a currency converter app. Download it from the App Store now in seconds, and add it to the home screen of your smartphone or tablet.

Packed with dozens of world currencies, the app includes many lesser-known currencies as well as the most popular ones. You’ll see how easy it is to download in just seconds, and it is absolutely free to use whenever you need to, as well. It’s also straightforward to get a quick conversion with just a few taps on your screen. Regardless of why you want to use a free currency converter, we’re confident you can secure the information you want any time of the day or night.

We’ve already seen this app installed by users in dozens of countries. Will you be next to see why it is so successful? If you’ve been frustrated by other, more complex converters, you’ll be impressed by the user-friendly nature of our currency converter today. Free, quick to use, and always personalised to your needs, this is the only one you need.